spanish restaurant

Mesón Ca´n Pe­dro, Géno­va


Walk­ing into Mesón Ca'n Pe­dro in Gen­o­va is like step­ping back in time. This Pal­ma land­mark, open since 1976, ex­udes a vin­tage charm with its tra­di­tion­al decor. But don't let the old-school vibe fool you – the food is any­thing but out­dat­ed. Imag­ine sink­ing your teeth into juicy steaks, brought to your ta­ble siz­zling on hot stones, or div­ing into plat­ters over­flow­ing with tempt­ing, fresh-off-the-boat seafood. This is au­then­tic Span­ish cook­ing at its finest, per­fect for a leisure­ly lunch or an evening you won't soon for­get.

Price point