
Mer­cat de la Llib­er­tat


Step­ping into Mer­cat de la Llib­er­tat is an as­sault on the sens­es in the best way pos­si­ble. This live­ly mar­ket in Barcelon­a's Grà­cia neigh­bor­hood is a whirl­wind of col­or­ful pro­duce, unique crafts, and tan­ta­liz­ing aro­mas. It's a place where lo­cals come to shop and so­cial­ize, and where vis­i­tors can ex­pe­ri­ence the true rhythm of Barcelona life. Weave your way through stalls over­flow­ing with fresh seafood, lo­cal­ly-sourced

hon­ey, and ar­ti­san cheeses. Chat with pas­sion­ate ven­dors, each one ea­ger to share their knowl­edge and the sto­ries be­hind their prod­ucts. Lose your­self in the sights and sounds of this culi­nary won­der­land - the cheer­ful chat­ter, the clang­ing of pans, the laugh­ter of friends shar­ing a morn­ing cof­fee. More than just a mar­ket, Mer­cat de la Llib­er­tat of­fers a true taste of au­then­tic Cata­lan cul­ture.

Price point
Location 932 17 09 95
Opening hours
Monday08:00 - 20:30Tuesday08:00 - 20:30Wednesday08:00 - 20:30Thursday08:00 - 20:30Friday08:30 - 20:30Saturday08:00 - 15:00SundayClosed