indian restaurant

Mem­o­ries of In­dia Kens­ing­ton


Mem­o­ries of In­dia, lo­cat­ed on Glouces­ter Road, is a true Lon­don in­sti­tu­tion. For three decades, this ac­claimed eatery has de­light­ed din­ers with its ex­quis­ite In­di­an cui­sine. The restau­rant of­fers a gen­uine and dis­tinc­tive din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence, mak­ing it a fa­vorite among lo­cals and tourists alike. Their thir­ty-year lega­cy speaks for it­self – this is a place to sa­vor au­then­tic fla­vors and cre­ate last­ing mem­o­ries.

Price point