
Megan's on the High Street Restau­rant (Kens­ing­ton)


Megan's, sit­u­at­ed on Kens­ing­ton's bustling High Street, is a true gem for food lovers. This dog-friend­ly haven ef­fort­less­ly com­bines de­lec­table dish­es with a re­laxed and invit­ing am­biance. Upon en­ter­ing, you're greet­ed by a live­ly buzz, as the tan­ta­liz­ing scent of fresh­ly brewed cof­fee in­ter­twines with the mouth­wa­ter­ing aro­mas of sea­son­al cui­sine. But the al­lure of Megan's goes be­yond just the food. It's a place where the at­mos­phere en­hances the en­tire din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence, mak­ing it a pop­u­lar des­ti­na­tion for those seek­ing a spe­cial meal.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday08:30 - 22:00Tuesday08:30 - 22:00Wednesday08:30 - 22:00Thursday08:30 - 23:00Friday08:30 - 23:00Saturday08:30 - 23:00Sunday09:00 - 21:00