mediterranean restaurant

Megan's in the Ham­let Restau­rant (Dul­wich Vil­lage)


Megan's in Dul­wich Vil­lage is a breath of fresh air for dog own­ers who want a de­li­cious meal with­out leav­ing their fur­ry friends be­hind. This charm­ing restau­rant of­fers the per­fect blend of ca­su­al din­ing and a wel­com­ing at­mos­phere, mak­ing it ide­al for a laid-back brunch, lunch, or din­ner. Their menu bursts with Mediter­ranean flavours, fea­tur­ing every­thing from hearty brunch clas­sics to lighter, healthy dish­es. Whether you're stop­ping by for a quick bite or set­tling in for an evening with friends, Megan's de­light­ful am­bi­ence and dog-friend­ly pol­i­cy will leave you feel­ing right at home.

Price point