american restaurant

Mega Grill


For­get fan­cy, Mega Grill is a haven for those who crave clas­sic, sat­is­fy­ing food. The minute you walk through the door, the in­cred­i­ble aro­ma of grilling hits you – this is not the spot for a diet! The menu is straight­for­ward, fo­cus­ing on what they do best: per­fect­ly grilled hot dogs loaded

with your choice of top­pings. We went all out and or­dered "the works," and trust me, it lived up to its name! You can tell this place has reg­u­lars, with lo­cals pop­ping in for a bite and a chat. Mega Grill def­i­nite­ly de­liv­ers a tasty, un­pre­ten­tious meal, leav­ing you feel­ing hap­py and full.

Opening hours
Monday09:30 - 21:00Tuesday09:30 - 21:00Wednesday09:30 - 21:00Thursday09:30 - 21:00Friday09:30 - 21:00Saturday00:00 - 20:00Sunday00:00 - 20:00