

Ex­pe­ri­ence Barcelon­a's sea­side al­lure at Méditer­ranée, a chic yet wel­com­ing des­ti­na­tion. Its sun-kissed ter­race, per­fect­ly po­si­tioned on Barcelone­ta beach, pro­vides stun­ning vis­tas of the sparkling wa­ter and the city's un­for­get­table sky­line. The culi­nary team presents a blend of Mediter­ranean tastes, fea­tur­ing fresh-caught seafood, de­lec­table meats, and col­or­ful sal­ads. Each plate is a care­ful­ly craft­ed culi­nary work of art, em­body­ing the re­gion's di­verse food

tra­di­tions. When the sun dips be­low the hori­zon, the am­biance trans­forms, as gen­tle il­lu­mi­na­tion bathes the ter­race in a ro­man­tic aura. Sip on mas­ter­ful­ly pre­pared cock­tails while en­chant­i­ng live mu­sic car­ries you away to a place of pure con­tent­ment. Whether seek­ing a re­lax­ing mid­day meal, a re­fined evening din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence, or an en­chant­i­ng night be­neath the stars, Méditer­ranée is your refuge by the sea.
