
Meathouse Lon­don


Nes­tled amidst the bustling streets of Lon­don, Meathouse tempts with its homage to the siz­zling cuts and fla­vors of Ar­genti­na. Step into this vi­brant din­ing haven, where the aro­ma of grilled meats fills the air and the at­mos­phere buzzes with an­tic­i­pa­tion. The menu is an ode to the pam­pas, show­cas­ing a sym­pho­ny of suc­cu­lent steaks, grilled to per­fec­tion. From the ten­der­loin to the rib-eye, each cut is sourced from the finest Ab­erdeen An­gus cat­tle and sea­soned with a

tan­ta­liz­ing blend of Ar­gen­tin­ian spices. Be­yond the grills, Meathouse of­fers a ta­pes­try of culi­nary de­lights. In­dulge in em­panadas brim­ming with sa­vory fill­ings, or sa­vor the melt-in-your-mouth chori­pan. The wine list is cu­rat­ed to com­ple­ment the bold fla­vors of the meats, fea­tur­ing an ar­ray of ex­cep­tion­al vin­tages from Ar­genti­na and be­yond. Whether you're a car­ni­vore seek­ing an un­for­get­table din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence or a seek­er of vi­brant fla­vors, Meathouse Lon­don promis­es an ex­tra­or­di­nary gas­tro­nom­ic jour­ney that trans­ports you to the heart of Ar­genti­na.

Price point
Opening hours
Friday2:00 PM - 11:00 PMSaturday2:00 PM - 11:00 PMSunday4:00 PM - 11:00 PMMonday4:00 PM - 10:00 PMTuesday4:00 PM - 10:00 PMWednesday4:00 PM - 10:00 PMThursday4:00 PM - 10:00 PM