art gallery

McMil­lan & Sons Fine Art Lim­it­ed


Step­ping into McMil­lan & Sons Fine Art Lim­it­ed is like tak­ing a trip back in time. Lo­cat­ed on a qui­et street in St James's, sur­round­ed by world-renowned auc­tion hous­es and art gal­leries, their state­ly town­house is a wel­come respite from the bustling city. Found­ed in 1843, McMil­lan & Sons has built a rep­u­ta­tion for its im­pres­sive col­lec­tion span­ning cen­turies and en­com­pass­ing paint­ings, sculp­tures, ce­ram­ics, and jew­el­ry. Each

piece tells a sto­ry of artis­tic bril­liance and im­pec­ca­ble crafts­man­ship, ra­di­at­ing with a time­less beau­ty. Whether your taste leans to­wards the ethe­re­al charm of Old Mas­ter paint­ings or the strik­ing bold­ness of con­tem­po­rary sculp­ture, the gallery of­fers a fas­ci­nat­ing ex­plo­ration through the evo­lu­tion of art. The knowl­edge­able staff adds an­oth­er lay­er to the ex­pe­ri­ence, read­i­ly shar­ing in­sights and anec­dotes that tru­ly bring the art­works to life.

Opening hours
Sunday10:30 - 18:00Monday10:30 - 18:00Tuesday10:30 - 18:00Wednesday10:30 - 18:00Thursday10:30 - 18:00Friday10:30 - 18:00Saturday10:30 - 18:00