escape room center

Max­i­mum Es­cape 1


Call­ing all thrill-seek­ers and puz­zle en­thu­si­asts! Max­i­mum Es­cape 1 in Barcelona of­fers an im­mer­sive and un­for­get­table es­cape room ex­pe­ri­ence. Gath­er your friends, fam­i­ly, or even your kids for an ad­ven­ture that will test your wits and team­work. Choose from a va­ri­ety of themed rooms, each with its own unique sto­ry­line and chal­lenges. Step into a world of mys­tery, in­trigue, and sus­pense. Solve puz­zles,

de­ci­pher clues, and work to­geth­er to es­cape the room be­fore time runs out. The friend­ly staff will guide you through the ex­pe­ri­ence, en­sur­ing you have a thrilling and mem­o­rable time. Whether you're a sea­soned es­cape room pro or a first-timer, Max­i­mum Es­cape 1 guar­an­tees an ex­cit­ing and chal­leng­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. Book your ad­ven­ture to­day and see if you have what it takes to es­cape!

Opening hours
Monday16:00 - 22:00Tuesday16:00 - 22:00Wednesday10:00 - 22:00Thursday10:00 - 22:00Friday10:00 - 23:00Saturday10:00 - 23:00Sunday10:00 - 23:00