steak house



Who ever thought air­port food could be *this* good? MASH, found in Ter­mi­nal 2 of the Copen­hagen Air­port, el­e­vates the pre-flight din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence to an en­tire­ly new lev­el. Ditch the thought of sog­gy sand­wich­es and wilt­ed sal­ads - here, you're in for a culi­nary de­light. This en­er­getic eatery boasts per­fect­ly grilled, high-qual­i­ty steaks and a menu of de­li­cious sides. The en­er­getic at­mos­phere pro­vides a fan­tas­tic set­ting to sa­vor your fi­nal mo­ments in Copen­hagen be­fore take­off. Even if you're not fly­ing, MASH's ex­cep­tion­al cui­sine makes it worth the trip.
