tourist attraction

Mar­tial Arts His­to­ry Mu­se­um


The Mar­tial Arts His­to­ry Mu­se­um in Los An­ge­les is a real hid­den gem. Don't let the unas­sum­ing ex­te­ri­or fool you - in­side, it's packed with fas­ci­nat­ing ex­hibits show­cas­ing the his­to­ry and in­flu­ence of mar­tial arts. From an­cient weapons to vin­tage movie posters, there's some­thing to spark every­one's in­ter­est. We es­pe­cial­ly loved the in­ter­ac­tive dis­plays where you can test your skills and learn ba­sic moves. It's a cap­ti­vat­ing jour­ney through the world of mar­tial arts and its im­pact on West­ern cul­ture.
