department store

Marks & Spencer


Walk­ing into Marks & Spencer at Dubai Mall is like dis­cov­er­ing a lit­tle slice of Lon­don amidst the bustling city. This par­tic­u­lar lo­ca­tion of the beloved British brand is a shop­per's par­adise, with a well-cho­sen col­lec­tion of cloth­ing, home­wares, and be­yond. The at­mos­phere is lu­mi­nous and wel­com­ing, mak­ing it easy to while away hours ex­plor­ing the dis­plays. Fash­ion lovers will find them­selves drawn to the

styl­ish yet bud­get-friend­ly cloth­ing lines, while home dé­cor en­thu­si­asts will be adding plush tex­tiles and el­e­gant table­ware to their shop­ping bags in no time. What tru­ly sets this Marks & Spencer apart is the un­de­ni­able sense of ex­plo­ration. Every trip promis­es a new find, per­haps a dis­tinc­tive beau­ty item or a charm­ing home ac­cent, mak­ing it an es­sen­tial stop on any Dubai shop­ping ad­ven­ture.

Opening hours
Monday09:00 - 23:00Tuesday09:00 - 23:00Wednesday09:00 - 23:00Thursday09:00 - 23:00Friday09:00 - 12:00Saturday09:00 - 12:00Sunday09:00 - 23:00