
Mar­ket Hall - The Mall Wood Green


Mar­ket Hall in Wood Green is a fas­ci­nat­ing blend of old and new. The build­ing's unique ex­te­ri­or draws you in, promis­ing a one-of-a-kind ex­pe­ri­ence. In­side, the en­er­gy is con­ta­gious. Lo­cal ven­dors of­fer every­thing from fresh food and vin­tage finds to hand­made crafts and di­verse street food op­tions. The air

is thick with the aro­ma of cof­fee and pas­tries, mak­ing it a treat for the sens­es. Be­yond the mar­ket stalls, you'll find well-known brands, in­de­pen­dent shops, and even a cin­e­ma. More than a shop­ping cen­ter, Mar­ket Hall is a gath­er­ing place for the com­mu­ni­ty, a place to con­nect and re­lax.

Price point