
Ma­ri­na Port De Mal­lor­ca


Ma­ri­na Port de Mal­lor­ca is a must-do for any sail­ing fa­nat­ic cruis­ing through the Balearic Is­lands. It's fa­mous for its top-notch fa­cil­i­ties and is con­sid­ered a pre­mier ma­ri­na in the re­gion. With cut­ting-edge in­fra­struc­ture, it guar­an­tees a safe and seam­less ex­pe­ri­ence for all. Whether you're af­ter a tem­po­rary berth or a per­ma­nent haven, they

cater to all your needs. The se­lec­tion of of­fer­ings is re­mark­able, en­com­pass­ing every­thing from se­cure berthing to first-rate main­te­nance and re­pairs - all aimed at sim­pli­fy­ing your life. Ma­ri­na Port de Mal­lor­ca grants you ab­solute tran­quil­i­ty, know­ing your boat is well cared for, al­low­ing you to un­wind and sa­vor your time on the waves.

Opening hours
Tuesday09:00 - 14:0016:00 - 20:00Wednesday09:00 - 14:0016:00 - 20:00Thursday09:00 - 14:0016:00 - 20:00Friday09:00 - 14:0016:00 - 20:00Saturday09:00 - 14:00Monday09:00 - 14:0016:00 - 20:00SundayClosed