


Mag­no­lia quick­ly be­came our go-to spot in Stock­holm for a mem­o­rable meal. For­get the usu­al Asian restau­rant fare – Mag­no­lia takes it up a notch with in­ven­tive dish­es like their sig­na­ture panang cur­ry and in­cred­i­bly de­li­cious bao. We were blown away by the fresh­ness of the sashi­mi, a clear sign of their ded­i­ca­tion to high-qual­i­ty in­gre­di­ents. The restau­ran­t's trendy lo­ca­tion on Sö­der­malm just adds to the over­all ex­pe­ri­ence. We en­joyed sip­ping on lo­cal beers and in­ven­tive cock­tails while soak­ing up the live­ly at­mos­phere. For a unique and styl­ish din­ing ad­ven­ture, Mag­no­lia is a must-vis­it.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday11:30 - 23:00Tuesday11:30 - 23:00Wednesday11:30 - 23:00Thursday11:30 - 23:00Friday00:00 - 12:00Saturday00:00 - 12:00