tourist attraction

Madame Tus­sauds Lon­don


Madame Tus­sauds Lon­don is more than just a mu­se­um; it's an ex­pe­ri­ence. Walk­ing through the doors, you're in­stant­ly met with a lev­el of de­tail in the wax fig­ures that's tru­ly re­mark­able. It's easy to for­get you're not look­ing at the ac­tu­al Brad Pitt or Queen Eliz­a­beth II. Each fig­ure feels metic­u­lous­ly craft­ed, each de­tail telling a sto­ry. You're not just ob­serv­ing,

you're walk­ing along­side his­tor­i­cal heavy­weights like Win­ston Churchill and cul­tur­al icons like Elvis. The en­er­gy is buzzing, and be­yond the fig­ures them­selves, in­ter­ac­tive ex­hibits and VR ex­pe­ri­ences add a whole oth­er lay­er of fun to the vis­it. For a few hours, you're trans­port­ed into a world where the line be­tween re­al­i­ty and fan­ta­sy blurs, leav­ing you with some se­ri­ous­ly fun pho­to ops!

Opening hours
Monday10:00 - 15:00Tuesday10:00 - 15:00Wednesday10:00 - 15:00Thursday10:00 - 15:00Friday10:00 - 15:00Saturday10:00 - 15:00Sunday10:00 - 15:00