
Madame Jazmine


In the heart of Barcelon­a's bustling streets, Madame Jazmine of­fers a sanc­tu­ary for beau­ty en­thu­si­asts. Step in­side and im­merse your­self in a world of col­ors, tex­tures, and tools. Make­up lovers will find an ar­ray of high-qual­i­ty cos­met­ics, brush­es, and ac­ces­sories to cater to every need. The knowl­edge­able staff is al­ways ready to guide you through the lat­est trends and tech­niques, en­sur­ing you achieve your de­sired look. Whether you're prepar­ing for a spe­cial oc­ca­sion or sim­ply seek­ing to el­e­vate your every­day rou­tine, Madame Jazmine of­fers a trans­for­ma­tive ex­pe­ri­ence that will leave you feel­ing con­fi­dent and ra­di­ant.

Opening hours
Monday18:00 - 02:30Tuesday18:00 - 02:30Wednesday18:00 - 02:30Thursday18:00 - 02:30Friday18:00 - 03:00Saturday18:00 - 03:00Sunday18:00 - 02:30