
Luna Gin Bar & Cock­tails / West Hamp­stead Restau­rant


Luna Gin Bar & Cock­tails in Hamp­stead quick­ly charmed us with its ded­i­ca­tion to the ju­niper spir­it. Their se­lec­tion goes far be­yond your av­er­age pour, of­fer­ing a glob­al ad­ven­ture in a glass. We paired our drinks with tasty plates from their Mediter­ranean-in­spired menu – a de­li­cious com­ple­ment to the com­plex fla­vors of our gins. The vibe is live­ly and wel­com­ing, with a gen­uine buzz that makes you want to linger. If you find your­self in Hamp­stead, this gin bar is well worth seek­ing out for a mem­o­rable evening.
