
Low­er Peirce Reser­voir Park


Un­cov­er the hid­den gem of Sin­ga­pore's east­ern re­gion, Low­er Peirce Reser­voir Park. This serene oa­sis of­fers breath­tak­ing wa­ter­front vis­tas along the pic­turesque Low­er Peirce Reser­voir. Take a leisure­ly stroll along the tran­quil trails that weave through lush green­ery, ad­mir­ing the di­verse flo­ra and fau­na that call this park home. Cast your line into the reser­voir for a

spot of fish­ing, or em­bark on a kayak­ing ad­ven­ture to ex­plore the serene wa­ters. As the sun be­gins to set, find a se­clud­ed spot along the wa­ter­front to wit­ness the sky trans­form into a vi­brant can­vas of hues. Im­merse your­self in the tran­quil­i­ty of Low­er Peirce Reser­voir Park, a hid­den sanc­tu­ary where na­ture and recre­ation har­mo­nious­ly co­ex­ist.