
Louisiana Fa­mous Fried Chick­en


Crav­ing crispy, juicy fried chick­en with a kick? Look no fur­ther than Louisiana Fa­mous Fried Chick­en on South Broad­way. This Los An­ge­les eatery de­liv­ers a true taste of Louisiana com­fort food, us­ing a close­ly guard­ed recipe that’ll have you lick­ing your fin­gers. But the menu doesn’t stop there! They also whip up a sat­is­fy­ing se­lec­tion of Chi­nese dish­es, from tempt­ing ap­pe­tiz­ers to hearty en­trees. Short on time? No prob­lem. Call ahead to place your or­der for pick up and en­joy a taste of two cuisines, all in the com­fort of home.

Opening hours
Monday10:30 - 20:30Tuesday10:30 - 20:30Wednesday10:30 - 20:30Thursday10:30 - 20:30Friday10:30 - 20:30Saturday10:30 - 20:30Sunday10:30 - 20:30