
Lotte New York Palace


Step­ping into the Lotte New York Palace feels like step­ping back in time to the Gild­ed Age. The Beaux-Arts ar­chi­tec­ture and op­u­lent in­te­ri­ors, com­plete with soar­ing ceil­ings, mar­ble floors, and daz­zling chan­de­liers, are tru­ly stun­ning. Rooms and suites are de­signed as havens of com­fort and el­e­gance, with re­fined fur­nish­ings and mod­ern ameni­ties. A true stand­out is the serene Vil­lard Man­sion Court­yard, a peace­ful re­treat from the city's en­er­gy, where

a mag­nif­i­cent glass canopy bathes the space in nat­ur­al light. Be­yond its beau­ti­ful ac­com­mo­da­tions, the ho­tel of­fers in­cred­i­ble din­ing at its cel­e­brat­ed restau­rants, the chance to sa­vor a re­fined af­ter­noon tea in the Palm Court, and the op­por­tu­ni­ty to re­lax with re­ju­ve­nat­ing treat­ments at their lav­ish spa. Its lo­ca­tion pro­vides easy ac­cess to all of Man­hat­tan’s most fa­mous at­trac­tions, mak­ing it an ide­al start­ing point for ex­plor­ing the city.

Price point