
Los Mol­ca­jetes


Los Mol­ca­jetes has been an LA in­sti­tu­tion since 1979, serv­ing up mouth­wa­ter­ing Sal­vado­ran food that has earned world­wide ac­claim. For­get fan­cy – this place is all about au­then­tic fla­vors and a live­ly, wel­com­ing vibe. Their pu­pusas are leg­endary, right­ful­ly earn­ing their rep­u­ta­tion as some of the best in the city (and pos­si­bly the world!). We dug into ours with gus­to, the warm, hand­made tor­tillas and sa­vory fill­ings hit­ting the spot. If you're search­ing for a taste of real deal Sal­vado­ran cui­sine, a trip to Los Mol­ca­jetes is a must.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday09:00 - 21:00Tuesday09:00 - 21:00Wednesday09:00 - 21:00Thursday09:00 - 21:00Friday09:00 - 21:00Saturday09:00 - 21:00Sunday09:00 - 21:00