
Lon­don Fields


Im­merse your­self in the re­fresh­ing oa­sis of Lon­don Fields Lido, a hid­den gem in the vi­brant Hack­ney neigh­bor­hood. This out­door pool boasts a heat­ed ter­race, where you can lounge in the sun­shine while catch­ing up with friends. Sip on re­fresh­ing bev­er­ages at the charm­ing café as you soak up the live­ly at­mos­phere. Whether you're a sea­soned swim­mer or look­ing to im­prove your fit­ness, Lon­don Fields Lido of­fers a va­ri­ety of swim fit ses­sions. Join a group or sched­ule a pri­vate les­son with ex­pe­ri­enced in­struc­tors. The pool's crys­tal-clear wa­ters and invit­ing am­biance will in­vig­o­rate you and leave you feel­ing re­freshed and re­ju­ve­nat­ed.

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