


Lok­ma beck­ons with the tan­ta­liz­ing aro­ma of fresh­ly baked Turk­ish pas­tries in San Fran­cis­co's bustling Mis­sion Dis­trict. Step in­side and the vi­brant en­er­gy en­velops you, with the cheer­ful chat­ter of pa­trons and the sweet scent of sesame and sug­ar. The menu at Lok­ma is a culi­nary ta­pes­try of Turk­ish de­lights. Sa­vor the melt-in-your-mouth bakla­va, flaky börek, and pil­lowy soft lok­ma. Each pas­try is a tes­ta­ment to the artistry of Turk­ish bak­ers, show­cas­ing the per­fect bal­ance of sweet­ness and sa­vory fla­vors. Amidst the warm and wel­com­ing am­biance, you'll feel like you've stepped into a cozy cor­ner of Is­tan­bul. Whether you're en­joy­ing a quick bite or in­dulging in an af­ter­noon treat, Lok­ma is the per­fect des­ti­na­tion for a taste of Turk­ish tra­di­tion in the heart of San Fran­cis­co.

Price point