art gallery



Lokale is an art gallery in Copen­hagen's Vester­bro dis­trict. The min­i­mal­ist de­sign fea­tures clean white walls that con­trast with warm wood­en ac­cents, gen­er­at­ing a peace­ful at­mos­phere for con­tem­plat­ing the show­cased art­work. In­formed staff mem­bers ex­pert­ly guide guests, trans­form­ing each piece into an un­for­get­table ex­pe­ri­ence. Every ob­ject em­bod­ies the pin­na­cle of artis­tic tal­ent. Whether you're a res­i­dent or a tourist, Lokale is a per­fect place to en­gage with con­tem­po­rary art in a re­fined and invit­ing set­ting.

Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesdayClosedWednesday13:00 - 17:00Thursday13:00 - 17:00Friday13:00 - 17:00Saturday13:00 - 17:00Sunday13:00 - 17:00