coffee shop

Lo­cal Hero


Lo­cal Hero, sit­u­at­ed in Lon­don's bustling Ex­mouth Mar­ket, is a ca­su­al din­ing spot that beck­ons food lovers with its warm am­biance and ded­i­ca­tion to British cui­sine. Here, you'll find hearty break­fast op­tions to kick­start your day, en­tic­ing sand­wich­es over­flow­ing with sea­son­al good­ness, and mouth­wa­ter­ing grills pre­pared on their open flame. Sim­plic­i­ty reigns supreme, with an em­pha­sis on fresh, lo­cal in­gre­di­ents that shine in every rus­tic dish. Be

sure to ex­plore the dai­ly spe­cials for a taste of the chef­s' culi­nary in­no­va­tion. Whether you're en­joy­ing a leisure­ly brunch with friends, grab­bing a quick meal amidst a shop­ping spree, or un­wind­ing af­ter work with a re­fresh­ing pint, Lo­cal Hero caters to all oc­ca­sions. Its cen­tral lo­ca­tion and wel­com­ing team have made it a beloved spot amongst lo­cals, and a must-vis­it for those new to the city.

Price point