


Nes­tled in the heart of Lon­don's vi­brant South Kens­ing­ton neigh­bor­hood, the Litu­ani­ca stands as a tes­ta­ment to the in­domitable spir­it of Lithuan­ian avi­a­tion. This re­mark­able air­craft played a piv­otal role in the his­to­ry of transat­lantic flight. As you en­ter the mu­se­um, you'll be greet­ed by a life-size repli­ca of the orig­i­nal Litu­ani­ca. Its sleek sil­ver ex­te­ri­or and dis­tinc­tive red mark­ings evoke a

sense of awe and won­der. The mu­se­um's in­ter­ac­tive dis­plays of­fer fas­ci­nat­ing in­sights into the air­craft's de­sign, con­struc­tion, and his­toric flight. Through im­mer­sive ex­hibits and per­son­al ac­counts, you'll learn about the dar­ing crew who risked their lives to cross the At­lantic in 1933. The Litu­ani­ca's trag­ic end is also ex­plored, as well as its en­dur­ing lega­cy as a sym­bol of Lithuan­ian courage and de­ter­mi­na­tion.

Opening hours
Monday10:00 - 19:00Tuesday10:00 - 19:00Wednesday10:00 - 19:00Thursday10:00 - 19:00Friday10:00 - 19:00Saturday10:00 - 19:00SundayClosed