Lit­tle Viet­nam Restau­rant


Crav­ing a taste of South­east Asia in Lon­don? Check out Lit­tle Viet­nam Restau­rant. This live­ly spot tru­ly cap­tures the essence of Viet­namese cui­sine. The minute you step in­side, you're en­veloped by the amaz­ing smells of tra­di­tion­al spices and herbs. We loved the cozy and wel­com­ing at­mos­phere – per­fect for en­joy­ing their au­then­tic dish­es. Plan­ning to vis­it dur­ing the Lu­nar New Year? Keep in mind their spe­cial hours on Feb­ru­ary 10th and their clo­sure on Feb­ru­ary 11th. While they wel­come walk-ins, reser­va­tions are a good idea for larg­er par­ties.
