
Lit­tle Cae­sars Piz­za


For­get fan­cy, some­times you just need a cheesy, com­fort­ing piz­za to hit the spot. In the land of LA food trucks and celebri­ty chefs, Lit­tle Cae­sars might not be the flashiest name, but it de­liv­ers on straight­for­ward, de­li­cious piz­za. The minute you step in­side, the smell of bak­ing dough and oregano hits you, and sud­den­ly

you're crav­ing a slice (or three). While their Hot-N-Ready piz­zas are per­fect for a grab-and-go lunch or a quick din­ner, don't un­der­es­ti­mate the clas­sics. And let's be hon­est, no trip to Lit­tle Cae­sars is com­plete with­out an or­der of their Crazy Bread­sticks – per­fect­ly gold­en, but­tery, and dust­ed with parme­san. They're the ul­ti­mate crowd-pleas­er.

Opening hours
Friday10:30 - 22:00Saturday10:30 - 22:00Sunday10:30 - 21:00Monday10:30 - 21:00Tuesday10:30 - 21:00Wednesday10:30 - 21:00Thursday10:30 - 21:00