
Lisa Elmqvist


In­dulge in the fresh­est seafood del­i­ca­cies at Lisa Elmqvist, a fam­i­ly-run es­tab­lish­ment that has been tan­ta­liz­ing taste buds in Stock­holm since 1926. Lo­cat­ed in the bustling Öster­malm's food hall, Lisa Elmqvist of­fers a de­light­ful culi­nary ex­pe­ri­ence. Step into the charm­ing restau­rant and be greet­ed by the warm am­biance and friend­ly staff. The menu show­cas­es a sym­pho­ny of seafood dish­es, each one craft­ed with pas­sion and ex­per­tise. From suc­cu­lent oys­ters and plump

mus­sels to grilled salmon and aro­mat­ic seafood stews, there's some­thing to sat­is­fy every palate. Whether you pre­fer a quick lunch or a leisure­ly din­ner, Lisa Elmqvist caters to your every need. In ad­di­tion to the dine-in op­tion, they of­fer con­ve­nient on­line or­der­ing with in-store pick­up or home de­liv­ery to se­lect ar­eas in Swe­den and Eu­rope. Ex­pe­ri­ence the lega­cy of Lisa Elmqvist and sa­vor the fresh­est seafood cre­ations in the heart of Stock­holm.

Opening hours
Monday09:30 - 19:00Tuesday09:30 - 22:00Wednesday09:30 - 22:00Thursday09:30 - 22:00Friday09:30 - 23:00Saturday09:30 - 23:00SundayClosed