american restaurant

Lily's Burg­er


Lily's Burg­er of­fers a re­fresh­ing break from Stock­holm's usu­al chic eater­ies. With spots in Horns­bergs Strand and Ny­tor­get, the restau­rant throws it back to the 1960s with its check­ered floors, vi­brant booths, and old-school decor. Their menu boasts a va­ri­ety of Amer­i­can com­fort food fa­vorites, es­pe­cial­ly their tasty burg­ers. We rec­om­mend "Lily's Clas­sic" – a juicy beef pat­ty topped with melt­ed ched­dar, crunchy ba­con,

and a gen­er­ous help­ing of tangy bar­be­cue sauce. For some­thing plant-based, the "Veg­gie De­light" hits the spot with its black bean pat­ty, creamy av­o­ca­do, and smoky chipo­tle sauce. Don't skip their crispy fries or creamy coleslaw ei­ther! With its fun and de­light­ful at­mos­phere, Lily's Burg­er is the place to be for burg­er fans or any­one crav­ing a taste of clas­sic Amer­i­cana in Stock­holm.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday11:00 - 21:00Tuesday11:00 - 21:00Wednesday11:00 - 21:00Thursday11:00 - 21:00Friday11:00 - 21:00Saturday00:00 - 21:00Sunday00:00 - 20:00