
Lennox The Pub - Pal­ma


Lennox The Pub quick­ly climbed to the top of our list of fa­vorite spots in Pal­ma. The rus­tic wood and soft light­ing cre­ate a cozy and invit­ing space, a wel­come es­cape from the city buzz. They've ab­solute­ly nailed that clas­sic pub at­mos­phere. We hap­pi­ly spent hours there, en­joy­ing tasty food and drinks while soak­ing up the live­ly at­mos­phere. The con­stant mur­mur of con­ver­sa­tion and laugh­ter around us made it clear that this place is a pop­u­lar des­ti­na­tion - a true tes­ta­ment to its wel­com­ing at­mos­phere.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday13:00 - 12:00Tuesday13:00 - 12:00Wednesday13:00 - 12:00Thursday13:00 - 12:00Friday13:00 - 01:00Saturday13:00 - 01:00Sunday13:00 - 12:00