
Lee Val­ley Park


We found it so easy to leave the city be­hind in Lee Val­ley Park. Stretch­ing over 10,000 acres along the Riv­er Lee, this un­ex­pect­ed oa­sis in­vites you to lose your­self in na­ture. We loved wan­der­ing through the an­cient trees, cy­cling along the wa­ter's edge, and watch­ing for king­fish­ers along the river­bank. Don't miss a vis­it to the Olympic Park, a high­light with­in this amaz­ing green space, with its im­pres­sive velo­drome and aquat­ics cen­tre. Whether you're seek­ing thrills or tran­quil­i­ty, Lee Val­ley Park is an ide­al es­cape for any­one who loves spend­ing time in the great out­doors.
