lebanese restaurant

Lebanese Grill


For a true taste of the Mid­dle East in Lon­don, Lebanese Grill is a must-try. Imag­ine fla­vor­ful ap­pe­tiz­ers, per­fect­ly sea­soned and cooked on char­coal-grilled en­trees – that's what you get here. The at­mos­phere is re­laxed and invit­ing, bathed in a warm glow. But if you're on the go, grab some take­away and en­joy their de­li­cious food wher­ev­er you are!

Opening hours
Monday09:00 - 01:00Tuesday09:00 - 01:00Wednesday09:00 - 12:00Thursday09:00 - 01:00Friday09:00 - 01:00Saturday09:00 - 01:00Sunday09:00 - 01:00