
Le Tube | Bar à chicha à Paris


Ready for a tru­ly unique night out in Paris? Le Tube, the city's most styl­ish shisha bar, awaits. Step in­side and you're en­veloped in chic, low light­ing, the air thick with ex­ot­ic to­bac­co scents. Plush vel­vet so­fas in­vite you to sink in and re­lax as a live DJ spins a rhyth­mic sound­track. Ex­pert mixol­o­gists stand ready to

cre­ate the per­fect shisha ex­pe­ri­ence for you, from clas­sic blends to in­no­v­a­tive con­coc­tions - a sym­pho­ny of tastes for your palate. The en­er­gy is elec­tric here, a di­verse mix of lo­cals and tourists con­nect­ing amidst the clouds of fra­grant smoke. Whether you're look­ing for a qui­et chat or an ex­cit­ing night out, Le Tube guar­an­tees an un­for­get­table ex­pe­ri­ence.

Opening hours
Monday14:00 - 02:00Tuesday14:00 - 02:00Wednesday14:00 - 02:00Thursday14:00 - 02:00Friday14:00 - 02:00Sunday14:00 - 02:00Saturday14:00 - 02:00