
Le Spa du George V


En­ter­ing Le Spa at the George V was like step­ping into a hid­den sanc­tu­ary, a world away from the bustling city. Soft light­ing and a sooth­ing palette of col­ors in­stant­ly calmed my sens­es, cre­at­ing a space of pure re­lax­ation. Skilled prac­ti­tion­ers de­signed a per­son­al­ized well­ness ex­pe­ri­ence, in­cor­po­rat­ing unique treat­ments from cel­e­brat­ed brands like Val­mont and Sis­ley. From per­son­al­ized fa­cials to pro­found­ly restora­tive mas­sages, every de­tail was thought­ful­ly cho­sen for com­plete re­new­al. I emerged from this haven feel­ing re­vi­tal­ized and re-en­er­gized, ready to em­brace all that Paris has to of­fer.

Opening hours
Monday07:30 - 21:00Tuesday07:30 - 21:00Wednesday07:30 - 21:00Thursday07:30 - 21:00Friday07:30 - 21:00Saturday07:30 - 21:00Sunday07:30 - 21:00