
Le Mo­tel


Walk­ing into Le Mo­tel is like step­ping into a time cap­sule, but with bet­ter beer. This in­die bar buzzes with a con­ta­gious en­er­gy, fu­eled by a fan­tas­tic se­lec­tion of craft brews on tap and a cal­en­dar burst­ing with events. The decor is a feast for the eyes, a cool blend of vin­tage fur­ni­ture and quirky finds that cre­ates a retro

at­mos­phere. One night you might find your­self belt­ing out karaoke clas­sics, while the next presents a chal­leng­ing pub quiz. Or maybe you sim­ply re­lax with their unique­ly craft­ed cock­tails, soak­ing in the live­ly am­bi­ence. Le Mo­tel is the kind of place that in­vites con­ver­sa­tion and laugh­ter, promis­ing a sur­pris­ing­ly great night out and maybe even a few new friends.

Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesday18:00 - 01:45Wednesday18:00 - 01:45Thursday18:00 - 01:45Friday18:00 - 01:45Saturday18:00 - 01:45Sunday18:00 - 01:45