
Le Méri­di­en Barcelona


Es­cape to Barcelon­a's vi­brant city cen­ter and em­brace the styl­ish al­lure of Le Méri­di­en. A con­tem­po­rary sanc­tu­ary awaits, just steps from Las Ram­blas' bustling en­er­gy. Im­merse your­self in art and cul­ture as you ad­mire the hotel's sleek de­sign. In­dulge in de­lec­table Cata­lan cui­sine at the hotel's restau­rant. Sip cock­tails at the rooftop ter­race while ad­mir­ing the city's icon­ic ar­chi­tec­ture. The spa­cious rooms ex­ude so­phis­ti­ca­tion, fea­tur­ing crisp linens, el­e­gant fur­nish­ings, and panoram­ic views. Whether ex­plor­ing Barcelon­a's hid­den gems or in­dulging in its vi­brant nightlife, Le Méri­di­en pro­vides an un­for­get­table ur­ban oa­sis.
