
Le Dôme Café


Walk­ing into Le Dôme, you im­me­di­ate­ly un­der­stand why this Left Bank leg­end has cap­ti­vat­ed Parisians for gen­er­a­tions. The restau­rant thrums with an in­fec­tious en­er­gy, a blend of an­i­mat­ed chat­ter and a pal­pa­ble elec­tric­i­ty. While the at­mos­phere whis­pers tales of its sto­ried past, the menu ex­plodes with an ar­ray of metic­u­lous­ly pre­pared

seafood dish­es. You can prac­ti­cal­ly taste the chef's com­mit­ment to sourc­ing the high­est-qual­i­ty in­gre­di­ents with every bite. Whether seek­ing a ca­su­al lunch or an el­e­gant evening out, Le Dôme ex­ceeds ex­pec­ta­tions. This mar­riage of en­dur­ing charm and ex­quis­ite cui­sine cre­ates a din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence that em­bod­ies the true spir­it of Paris.

Opening hours
Saturday09:00 - 14:3019:00 - 22:30Sunday09:00 - 14:3019:00 - 22:30Monday09:00 - 14:3019:00 - 22:30Tuesday09:00 - 14:3019:00 - 22:30Wednesday09:00 - 14:3019:00 - 22:30Thursday09:00 - 14:3019:00 - 22:30Friday09:00 - 14:3019:00 - 22:30