
Le Dokhan’s, a Trib­ute Port­fo­lio Ho­tel, Paris


Walk­ing into Le Dokhan's, a Trib­ute Port­fo­lio Ho­tel, is like step­ping back in time to a more re­fined era of Parisian life. The cap­ti­vat­ing build­ing ex­udes a charm that im­me­di­ate­ly puts you at ease. As the birth­place of the Parisian cham­pagne bar, this ho­tel tru­ly cap­tures the city's spir­it. Pic­ture your­self un­wind­ing with a glass of bub­bly af­ter a day spent dis­cov­er­ing the city's icon­ic land­marks and se­cret spots. More than just a ho­tel, Le Dokhan's is a Parisian gem ready to wel­come you with open arms.