
Le Con­grès Mail­lot


Le Con­grès Mail­lot: imag­ine a clas­sic Parisian brasserie with a mod­ern, up­scale twist. This is where you go to in­dulge in the fresh­est seafood – think plat­ters piled high with oys­ters and prawns – or delve into per­fect­ly cooked steaks, hearty stews, and deca­dent desserts. Sit­u­at­ed con­ve­nient­ly near the Palais des Con­grès and nu­mer­ous ho­tels, it's a fa­vorite for busi­ness lunch­es. But even if you're not clos­ing a deal, the live­ly at­mos­phere and top-notch cui­sine make it a Parisian ex­pe­ri­ence to sa­vor.

Price point