chocolate artisan

Le Choco­lat Alain Ducasse, Le Comp­toir Lévis


Skip the sou­venir shop and treat your­self to some­thing tru­ly spe­cial from Le Choco­lat Alain Ducasse. This Parisian fac­to­ry-bou­tique is a haven for choco­late lovers, with a dizzy­ing ar­ray of ex­quis­ite cre­ations from the renowned chef. Imag­ine rows upon rows of gleam­ing ganach­es, craft­ed from sin­gle-ori­gin beans, along­side tempt­ing pra­lines and hand­craft­ed choco­late bars. You can or­der on­line, but the ex­pe­ri­ence of brows­ing this choco­late won­der­land in per­son is sim­ply un­for­get­table. Whether you're a de­vot­ed food­ie or just seek­ing a lux­u­ri­ous treat, Le Choco­lat Alain Ducasse will sat­is­fy your sweet­est crav­ings.

Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesday10:00 - 20:00Wednesday10:00 - 20:00Thursday10:00 - 20:00Friday10:00 - 20:00Saturday10:00 - 20:00Sunday10:00 - 17:00