
L'An­ti­ca Pizze­ria da Michele


Ever tried piz­za so good it trans­ports you to Naples? That's L'An­ti­ca Pizze­ria da Michele for you. This leg­endary spot (with the orig­i­nal still sling­ing pies in Italy) serves up sim­ple, per­fect piz­zas with just the right amount of char. The queue out­side speaks vol­umes, but trust us, it moves fast

and the taste is worth the wait. The at­mos­phere is buzzing, the staff is friend­ly, and the piz­za? For­get about it. Come hun­gry, be­cause once you get a taste, one piz­za might not be enough. This is how they've been do­ing things for over 150 years, and hon­est­ly, why change per­fec­tion?

Price point