pizza restaurant

L'An­ti­ca Pizze­ria


Okay, here's a draft: For­get bor­ing lunch­es and pre­dictable din­ners. At L’An­ti­ca Pizze­ria, you're div­ing straight into the de­li­cious world of au­then­tic Neapoli­tan cui­sine. Imag­ine: per­fect­ly fried piz­za, rich home­made gela­to craft­ed by ex­perts, and mouth­wa­ter­ing, made-from-scratch desserts. And it does­n't stop there – L’An­ti­ca Pizze­ria tempts you with a va­ri­ety of street food fa­vorites. It’s a true taste of Italy right here in Lon­don.

Price point