


Laïa - A Hid­den Gem in the City of Lights For a taste of tra­di­tion­al Cata­lan cui­sine with a mod­ern twist, head to Laïa, a small, unas­sum­ing restau­rant in the 10th ar­rondisse­ment. The menu changes dai­ly, but you can ex­pect to find dish­es like grilled oc­to­pus with romesco sauce, Cata­lan-style meat­balls, and a de­li­cious pael­la. The wine list is also im­pres­sive, with a good

se­lec­tion of Span­ish and French wines. The at­mos­phere is warm and invit­ing, with a rus­tic-chic dé­cor. The staff is friend­ly and knowl­edge­able, and they're hap­py to help you choose the per­fect dish. Laïa is a great place to go with a group of friends or for a ro­man­tic din­ner. You're sure to have a mem­o­rable meal that will trans­port you to the heart of Cat­alo­nia.
