tourist attraction

La Vil­lette


La Vil­lette turns the idea of a typ­i­cal park up­side down. Think ex­pan­sive green ar­eas dot­ted with ar­chi­tect Bernard Tschu­mi's play­ful, vivid­ly col­ored build­ings. The enor­mous, re­flec­tive Géode sphere pre­sides over the land­scape, mir­ror­ing the sky's every shift and change. A short walk away, the Cité des Sci­ences et de l'In­dus­trie

in­vites ex­plo­ration with its en­gag­ing, in­ter­ac­tive ex­hibits suit­able for vis­i­tors young and old. As dusk set­tles, the il­lu­mi­nat­ed sil­hou­ette of the Phil­har­monie de Paris emerges, prac­ti­cal­ly beg­ging you to ex­pe­ri­ence a con­cert with­in its acousti­cal­ly cel­e­brat­ed au­di­to­ri­um. La Vil­lette per­fect­ly cap­tures the blend of dar­ing mod­ern de­sign and cap­ti­vat­ing cul­tur­al en­coun­ters.
