
La Ville de Provins


Step­ping into La Ville de Provins felt like dis­cov­er­ing a well-kept se­cret, a place where Parisians gath­er for good food and good com­pa­ny. This ca­su­al spot seam­less­ly blends the roles of a bar, restau­rant, and brew­ery, mak­ing it an ide­al stop af­ter a day of mu­se­ums and mon­u­ments. The warmth hits you in­stant­ly, a mix of friend­ly greet­ings and the aro­ma of clas­sic French cook­ing.

We're talk­ing steak frites cooked to per­fec­tion, hearty stews brim­ming with fla­vor, and baguettes over­flow­ing with gooey cheese – com­fort food el­e­vat­ed. And don't miss their house-brewed beers, the per­fect com­ple­ment to the live­ly at­mos­phere. Every­where you look, friends share sto­ries and laugh­ter fills the air, mak­ing you feel like you're part of the Parisian ta­pes­try, even if just for one evening.

Price point
Opening hours
SundayClosedMonday07:00 - 23:00Tuesday07:00 - 23:00Wednesday07:00 - 23:00Thursday07:00 - 23:00Friday07:00 - 23:00Saturday08:00 - 23:00