
La Ter­rasse des Archives


La Ter­rasse des Archives: a true ur­ban oa­sis above the live­ly streets of the Marais. As­cend to the rooftop and be met with breath­tak­ing, panoram­ic views of icon­ic Parisian land­marks, from the Eif­fel Tow­er's grandeur to the re­gal Lou­vre pyra­mid. This chic re­treat of­fers the per­fect set­ting to un­wind, with plush seat­ing and an am­biance of re­laxed

so­phis­ti­ca­tion. Pe­ruse their menu of care­ful­ly craft­ed cock­tails, a se­lec­tion of fine wines, and tempt­ing light bites – all best en­joyed as you watch the sun set over the cityscape. Whether seek­ing a ro­man­tic es­cape or sim­ply a styl­ish spot to gath­er with friends, La Ter­rasse des Archives pro­vides a wel­come respite with­in the bustling city.

Price point