french restaurant

La Place


Stand­ing in the heart of Paris, La Place is an icon­ic des­ti­na­tion that en­chants with its cap­ti­vat­ing charm. Its sprawl­ing ex­panse, framed by el­e­gant build­ings and brim­ming with vi­brant en­er­gy, in­vites you to lose your­self in the Parisian rhythm. The cen­ter­piece of the square, the tow­er­ing Colonne Vendôme, stands as a tes­ta­ment to French mil­i­tary prowess, while the sur­round­ing cafés and shops beck­on you to in­dulge in lo­cal de­lights. Amidst the bus­tle and ex­cite­ment, La Place ex­udes a time­less al­lure that draws trav­el­ers from every cor­ner of the globe.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday06:30 - 02:00Tuesday06:30 - 02:00Wednesday06:30 - 02:00Thursday06:30 - 02:00Friday06:30 - 02:00Saturday06:30 - 02:00Sunday07:30 - 02:00